How do I post an event to my group? Answered

This brief user guide will show you how to view and post events to your group. This will allow you to share information about important dates with your team. Posted events will appear on the appropriate group page. They will also appear on the calendar (found through the events tab) for all group members. Watch the video user guide or read the text below to learn more.

User Guide Text Format

1. Navigate to your group by clicking on the groups tab in the top toolbar. 

Navigate to your group by clicking on the groups tab in the top toolbar. 







2. On your group page you will see a blue box on the right labelled Member Tools. 

Once you are in your group, you will see a blue box on the right labelled Member Tools. 









In that box you'll see the words Add Content above a list of the content options for your group.

Click Event (the second option).


3. Complete the Event Name field by adding the title of your event. 

Complete the Event Name field by adding the title of your event. 





4. Optional: If desired you can post to an additional group by selecting from the dropdown. 

Optional: If desired you can post to an additional group by selecting from the dropdown. 






5. If applicable, check the box indicating that your event is a webinar so that the appropriate webinar icon will appear when your event is displayed. 

The words next to the box will say "is this a webinar?"




6. Select your privacy setting. It is sometimes useful to initially select Shared With Just Me, and change the setting to All Members in Selected Group or All Members on this Site once you've reviewed the post and are ready to publish. 

Under "shared with" select your setting. For a draft select "Just me".






7. Optional: To add related content. Type the title of any Engage Site content to select it and a link will be displayed in the sidebar of your post. Add multiple pieces of content by clicking Add Another Item. 

To add related content. Type the title of any Engage Site content to select it and a link will be displayed in the sidebar of your post. Add multiple pieces of content by clicking Add Another Item. 







8. Complete Event Details by inputting the correct start/end date and time. Pay attention to time zones. The default time zone is the time zone associated with your account. 

Complete Event Details by inputting the correct start/end date and time. Pay attention to time-zones. The default time-zone is the time-zone associated with your account. 









9. Fill out the Event Description with your desired text.

Fill out the Event Description with your desired text.








10. Add any necessary or relevant attachments

Under add a new file click "choose files" to add an attachment.







11. Optional: Add related links. Start typing the title of a piece of content to select it. You can also enter an internal path such as /node/add or an external URL such as http://example.com. Enter <front> to link to the front page. Enter <nolink> to display link text only.

Add any related links in the box under the text "URL".






12. Save your post and stay tuned for your group's comments!

Click "Save".




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